TD Ameritrade


The Challenge

Create a web based class leading application that financial advisors can use to help their clients make the best decision possible based on the latest financial facts.

Our financial advisors needed a tool where multiple data could be available at all times, this data needed to be displayed cleanly so that when discussing viable solutions they could at a glance be able to guide their clients through the intricacies of global markets. From the multiple millions dollar client to the novice, the advisor needed to help all clients. This system/application had to be reliable and updated constantly.


Empathy Map

After translating the qualitative data into insights about the user needs, I was able to understand that financial advisors needed to provide solutions to their clients quickly and honestly. However I also identified some barriers preventing them to do so. Below empathy map findings clearly indicate what are the challenges they are having which translate into the user needs of TDA target user.


Define Persona

To represent the data from the empathy map, I created the persona “Robert”. By giving context and personality to the research data, we can better empathize with the target user throughout the design process. 

"I want my clients to trust that the information and advice I give them is correct and for that I need the best tools I can access." - Robert



Considering the most valuable points from the user interview, I ended up with these points to solve. I underwent a rapid brainstorming activity and chose features to prioritize for each Robert’s needs to select features based on feasibility and effectiveness.